Monika KargetiComment

5 Simple Ways To Have An Iconic Life!

Monika KargetiComment
5 Simple Ways To Have An Iconic Life!

"Each day life sends you chances to learn, grow and step into your best. Don't miss them. Some opportunities never come again. Regret is a choice."

Its 5am in the morning and the weather is just fine..the chirping of birds and my morning tea just adds up to it. :) 

People who know me, knows that I've a habit of 'learning' something every single day, so today while I was in my "learning zone", I gathered few pointers worth to think about. I hope you enjoy them too...

Here you go!


1. "Even the longest life is a pretty short ride"

Focus on the things that matters to you the most. Yes, its so important to be true to your dreams, talents and values. As Steve Jobs so elegantly said - "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else'e life".

Really what's the point of focusing on the things that will amount to nothing at the end?


2. "potential unexpressed turns to pain".

Pain is something every human being tries to avoid consciously or unconsciously. In fact anything that is unexpressed turns to pain; whether it is emotions, love or potential to do something. Get rid of your baggage today and head on to expressing your talents and gifts. There is nothing more painful than talent unexpressed. Period.


3. "find someone who will change your life, not just your status".

Life is beautiful and everyone deserves to feel happy and content. Most of the people "settle" for the comfort of connections because they believe love is too scary...

Life is not so much about the status quo or "maintaining status", if something doesn't feel right in your heart, feel it and do something about it. Life is too short to settle for 'not happy'!


4. detox your social circle.

Weed out the negative people from your life who bring you down and costing your fortune. Its really not worth investing your time on energy vampires. You just don't need them. Is being alone worse than being with those who are not even really present?


5. "its our 'decisions', not the 'conditions' of our lives that determine our destiny"

It all comes to the 'Power of Choice' and once you 'choose', you --DECIDE.

Human beings are the only creatures on the planet who have the privilege to have this power. The 'conditions' could be anything but it is in the moment of our decision, our destiny is determined.