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Mango Cake!

Every time on Mother’s Day, I like to order cake of my Mom’s choice (even if we are miles away) which became as a tradition more than a trend, but this day was different…basically quarantined at home and I wanted to bake something this time too without breaking the tradition! :)

I know sponge cake recipes are very common baked recipes and sometimes are just made with vanilla flavour, I wanted to try a different flavour which is also one of my Mom’s favourite - Mango cake, made with generous amount of mango purée.

I had never baked Mango cake or was any interested until a couple of weeks ago when I heard about it and I was trying to figure out what to bake with what we had in the house and is easily available during this time.. and I landed on Mango cake (I tried Genoise cake, a sponge cake called in Italy/France, which is more moist and tender than its ‘sponge cake cousin’)

I try to be novice anytime I learn something new and I can’t take any credit for this either, I like to google until I find a recipe that has a good ratings, plus if I can toss the ingredients with healthy ingredients (if possible) and if they are pretty much handy at home as well.

I used this recipe from plus milk and wheat flour (instead of all purpose flour).

It was simple and turned out to be delicious! Wish we could share some over ‘facetime’!!😉

Anything special you did on Mother’s Day? Have you ever tried Mango cake before?