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4 Reasons To Attend A Leadership Conference!

” The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”

Every year, several hundreds of leaders and influencers from different companies across the globe come together to share and learn practices, principles and their life journeys. In last couple of days, I had this amazing experience of attending one of such events where people came together from about 15 different nations to gain this experience.

To be honest, at first, I was little reluctant to invest my time here, but a thought occurred…when most of these speakers have published their lessons, so what is so important to attend it anyway? Guess what….I ended up giving an interview of “my journey” in the event :) - What fun!

Below are few of the reasons what I learned and perhaps this short list would help you too when a similar opportunity comes around!


This in fact is the most obvious reason for most of the people. These conferences emphasize growth in all sorts of skills - both interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. It broadens our new ways of thinking. In our day to day “busy” work we sometimes get so stuck and hooked up to same type of thoughts. Although there might be nothing wrong the way you were raised to think, its always beneficial to listen to unique thoughts and opinions and mold “your way” of thinking as we get older.

After meeting so many new people whether they are your peers or speakers, it will influence to get out of that rut and perhaps help us learn something new about ourselves.


I could go on and on about the deep relationships that rise from these conferences. On the first day of the event you may look around and see some unknown and strange faces, but on the last day, you will see a family. And these friendship built on mutual interests, trust and honesty would go along through out our life. Before the event was over, I had already started making plans to visit my friends across the globe later in the year.


I could never imagine before this workshop that I would be asked for an interview to talk and share my journey as a whole. It was indeed an amazing experience which I probably would never forget through out my life. Attending such conferences, helps us get pushed out of our comfort zone while being in a safe and welcoming environment.

I learned something very valuable - Cease the opportunity and say ‘Yes’ when asked, you can figure out “How” later on. Make bold moves to get into the unknown!


As a leader in your organization, or any other area of your interest, you set an example of honing your skills and leadership capabilities, and setting an example to gain these experiences and inspire others to follow!

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